
Kodak Corner Rostrevor

 Kodak Corner Rostrevor 

Hello and welcome back to March the Mournes. After starting this blog with a walk that is on the harder end of the scale, I think it's only fair to tone it back a few notches and go with hike that anyone of any age and skill level can enjoy along with their furry friend. Thats why I decided to Choose kodak Corner which is located in Kilbroney Park in Rostrevor. Above an image of the view from Kodak Corner can be seen. It offers stunning views of Carlingford Lough and views of Rostevor and Warrenpoint. To get to kodak corner you would start from Kilbroney park top carpark. From the carpark you could get to Kodak Corner and back within an hour. There's a muddy/Gravel path the whole way from the carpark to this corner so doing this walk in a normal pair of trainers is absolutely fine also no specific clothing or other climbing equipment is required. 

Within about 5 mins of beginning this walk you will come to Cloughmore stone which offers stunning views of Newry and Mourne right from the get-go, but it only gets better from here. Passing the stone brings you on to the path that brings you on a walk through a forest area and then on round to kodak Corner. 15 minutes will take you from the stone above to kodak corner. 

With Kodak Corner literally being on my doorstep I can honestly say I have been countless times but every time I go the view is every bit just as breath-taking. As seen above this is a picture from the Corner are Newry and Mourne got its rare bit of snow. The fact that I and many other hikers from the area where able to get up here on a snowy day with no gear really shows just how accessible of a hike it really is. It doesn't end here. if you would like to further this walk you absolutely can because Kodak Corner is not situated at the peak of the mountain. In Just another 20 mins you can get from Kodak Corner right up the peak of the mountain which if I say so myself is a sunset lovers paradise which I just quite happen to be. This part of the walk will be the steepest but again any climbers of any experience will be able to complete this at their own pace. Attached Below are
 a few pictures I took from the peak of mountain by the top bench.

Me and Friend taking in the view.

Milo taking in the View.

Sunset view from top of Kodak.

Sunset view from top of Kodak.

It really is hard to put into words how beautiful the view is from up there especially if it's a clear evening the sunset can be quite spectacular. In the first of the 5 pictures you can see me and my friend taking a quick breather after reaching the top. On that particular day it was cloudy but the clouds where quite low and being at the peak we are above the clouds quite literally feeling like we are on top of the world. Below that you can see Milo doing the same as he takes in the view after conquering the trail. This one perfect for furry friends as they have plenty of room to roam and can get let off the lead given there's no other dogs nearby. I could use countless words and adjectives to describe the sunset views as seen from Kodak Corner but I will compile it to one that best describes the views, Stunning. 

So, to conclude this is one of the easier hikes in the Mournes that you will encounter but that does not stop it from being one of my favourites. No equipment or planning needed just grab your shoes and dog and head from Kilbroney Park and your good to go. I'm rating this walk green in terms of difficulty as I feel anyone can enjoy this one. I find its best heading on a clear evening to get the most out of the views. Give yourself an hour and a half to really soak in this one. I think how accessible it is and how quickly you can get up and down makes this one of my favourites as you can head up at any time really and enjoy these views given there's still daylight. Also, the fact its right on my doorstep also plays into that as well. 

Thank you very much to anyone who has made it this far, Hope to see you about the Mournes soon HAPPY HIKING!!!!


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